Tag Archives: text

Why Absentee Owner Marketing?

There are 5 reasons NOW is the time to really look at absentee owners as your primary method of finding sellers – with equity.

But before we get into the reasons why absentee owners are a great market right now, it’s important for us to define absentee owners in the manner in which WE discuss it for purposes of this article and in our Absentee Owner Marketing training.

For our purposes, when we refer to “absentee owners”, we’ll be referring to owners of real property whose mailing address is 50 miles or farther away from the subject property.

Let’s look at the top 5 reasons absentee owner marketing is ripe for the picking RIGHT NOW. Continue reading

Getting Started In Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is really simple if you simply follow the basics. The problem is that we have the tendency to complicate things more than they really need to be AND that we over-think things too much. We get “too much” specialized knowledge that it begins to cripple us from ever getting started in real estate investing.

When I started out in the business, I made a commitment that I had to implement at least one thing from any home study course I purchased, event I attended, or book that I read before I could buy something else.

You see, we all tend to keep looking for the “magic pill” to riches in real estate and no such thing exists. You need to actually take action and apply the specialized knowledge that you are getting — not simply go from strategy to strategy, never actually implementing anything.

In addition, when you take this piece meal approach to getting started in real estate investing, you often get contradictory information, which makes you start to question if a strategy will work. Continue reading

Classified Ads for Real Estate

Let’s get right to the point here!

Classified ads work IF YOU DO THEM CORRECTLY!

There are hundreds of classified ads in any of your publications on a daily basis. Most of them look identical to one another and don’t do anythingto grab the attention of your prospects.

Your only goal in marketing is to get apotentially motivated seller (or buyer) to contact you. Nothing else! (Despite what some say).

Just as in any training that I do on marketing, I will tell you Continue reading

Following A System…

Recently, we had a guest expert on our Interviews with the Expert series. The topic was investing in land. (Here’s the webinar link in case you want to check it out).

During the webinar, I had kind of an “aha” moment and I decided to do a “challenge”.

I was going to take Jack’s system (Note: I had NEVER gone through the materials personally prior to this) and implement it. My goal was to get a parcel of land under contract in 30 days or less.

Here’s What I Did…

I committed to spending 60 minutes/day on the system. Continue reading

Short Sale Attorney

More and more investors and real estate agents are using attorneys and negotiators to get their deals done.

It’s the perfect answer to the “I don’t want to deal with banks and short sales” issue. OR IS IT?

If you are a homeowner trying to get a short sale approved on your home, whether you’re a homeowner or an investor, you might want to think twice about the hands-off negotiations. There are far too many people that over promise and under deliver. Continue reading

Happy Memorial Day…

A Tribute to the men and women that have served and sacrificed for each and every one of us…

I found this video on Youtube and spent a few moments in silence thinking about the men and women I’ve personally known – and the many millions that I have not known – that have fought on foreign lands for our freedoms. I also thought of the next generation getting ready to head overseas and my thoughts and prayers are with them…

Thank you for serving our country and preserving our freedoms… the very rights we have that allow us to build our businesses and live the American Dream. Continue reading

Short Sale Package

There’s good news and bad news about short sales!

The good news is that if you can follow a checklist, you can submit a short sale package to the lender.

The bad news is that the checklist of documents can be daunting to say the least!

The best advice is to contact the lender prior to submitting your package to get their list in the event they have additional requirements, want specific components on their paperwork/letterhead, etc. Each lender is different, so it pays to take a few minutes up front to get Continue reading

Before You File Your Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC): 5 Things to Consider!

POINT # 1: Many investors believe that they can create a limited liability company (LLC) or file a corporate charter with the state and always have liability protection. This is SIMPLY NOT TRUE. The truth is that each of these business entities (the LLC, the corporation and even the limited partnership) require certain key steps after the structure is created. I always like to compare business entities to a fancy Italian sports car or a new baby…they WILL DEMAND PROPER CARE AND FEEDING!

They are fun on the first day, but you had better know how to maintain Continue reading

Bandit Signs to Wholesale Houses

Bandit signs are highly effective when it comes to wholesaling houses. Lots of investors will use bandit signs to find motivated sellers, but few will use bandit signs to find buyers and sell property fast!

When using bandit signs to target buyers, here are some tips you can use to save time and money (We’ve spent thousands of dollars testing and tracking).

Types of Signs:
Use white or yellow 18×24 blank bandit signs. You’ll want to use the corrugated plastic ones that come with the metal stands. Continue reading

Wholesale Your Way To Financial Freedom

I have made a fortune wholesaling houses over the last 15 years and it remains to this day my favorite exit strategy. I can not even think of another strategy that provides the level of monthly cash flow – literally tens of thousands of dollars a month with limited time involvement and essentially no risk. The beauty of wholesaling is that you never purchase the property and you get paid on the front end of the transaction! These are quick transactions that take 30-45 days to close and get paid without putting any money or credit at risk. It’s fantastic!

Some would challenge whether this is still a viable strategy in this economy. It absolutely is. We are experiencing an unprecedented time in real estate: prices have tumbled; sellers are not just motivated – they are desperate to sell; the media brainwashes sellers to believe that they will never get a good price for their house; and we’re at the bottom of the market dip with values poised to appreciate again soon. Continue reading