Tag Archives: success

5 Reasons to Invest in Probate Property

Probate real estate is one of the most untapped – and profitable – real estate investing niches out there today.

Most investors never consider probate because they either don’t know the niche is out there OR they simply misunderstand it. What this means for you is that there’s a goldmine of opportunity… and the opportunity to serve a market that’s largely underserved.

  1. No competition
    Unlike many of the other markets, there’s VERY little competition with probate investing. Sure, there may be a few other investors talking to the same owners, but NOTHING like some of the other markets. PLUS… with this niche, it PAYS to be nice (you can eliminate your cut-throat competition just by being genuine).
  2. Works in every market.
    Buyers market… Sellers market… it doesn’t matter! There are always going to be probate deals. People always pass away and estates always need to be probated…
  3. Handsome paydays.
    My average paydays are well into 5-figures. And that’s just for WHOLESALE deals. I’ve made as much as $32,000 from a single wholesale deal on a $92,000 property.
  4. Help (I mean REALLY help) people that need you!
    If you’re a little bit of a “softer” personality, this is THE niche for you. You get the chance to really help people that need you. It’s not always about the money. And I can tell you that some of my MOST rewarding closings have been probate deals where the seller looks up and me and from the bottom of their heart, they say “thank you. I can finally move on”.
  5. Multiple streams of income
    There are many other ways to make money with probate JUST in doing what you’re already doing. A few hundred dollars here and several thousand there. Smart investors know that the key to success is leverage. And probate gives you that opportunity.

Claim your access to a FREE EXCLUSIVE video that reveals the secret strategies, tools and tactics that savvy real estate investors are using to create quiet fortunes through investing in probate (http://www.theprobateprofitsystem.com)… and how to generate consistent 5 and 6-figure pay days with probate property.

To use this article on your own website, include the following: To access a proven probate model, where you’ll learn how to find the right leads, select the ideal seller candidates, get your letter opened, and craft a compelling letter that gets a HUGE response, visit Probate Profit System at http://www.theprobateprofitsystem.com.

5 Steps to Absentee Owner Marketing Profits

The truth of the matter is that working with absentee owners is one of the easiest markets in real estate.

There are essentially only 5 steps you need to take to be successful with absentee owner marketing:

1. Determine Your Absentee Owner Lead Source.
There are a number of places that you can find absentee owner leads. Ultimately, the success of your campaign comes down to finding accurate leads and the right type of leads. In other words, you don’t want data that’s 2 years old. It needs to be up to date and current within the last 3-6 months. Continue reading

Getting Started In Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is really simple if you simply follow the basics. The problem is that we have the tendency to complicate things more than they really need to be AND that we over-think things too much. We get “too much” specialized knowledge that it begins to cripple us from ever getting started in real estate investing.

When I started out in the business, I made a commitment that I had to implement at least one thing from any home study course I purchased, event I attended, or book that I read before I could buy something else.

You see, we all tend to keep looking for the “magic pill” to riches in real estate and no such thing exists. You need to actually take action and apply the specialized knowledge that you are getting — not simply go from strategy to strategy, never actually implementing anything.

In addition, when you take this piece meal approach to getting started in real estate investing, you often get contradictory information, which makes you start to question if a strategy will work. Continue reading

Masterminds and Mentors

I want to shift gears here for a minute and talk about the personal side of this business. The tactics and strategies can only take you so far.

I remember back when I got into real estate with no money and very little confidence. I was afraid of rejection! I was afraid of what could go wrong. I had amassed a great deal of knowledge from the books I’d read, but no practical application to fall back on.

I started on a dream and a hope that this would work. When I began, I was ending a relationship and basically without a place to live or money to move. I dove head first and hoped for the best! I had no idea what was going to happen. Continue reading

Getting Started in Real Estate

Real estate investing is really simple if you simply follow the basics. The problem is that we have the tendency to complicate things more than they really need to be AND that we over-think things too much. We get “too much” specialized knowledge that it begins to cripple us.

When I started out in the business, I made a commitment that I had to implement at least one thing from any home study course I purchased, event I attended, or book that I read before I could buy something else. You see, we tend to keep looking for the “magic pill” to riches in real estate and no such thing exists. You need to actually take action and apply the specialized knowledge that you are getting — not simply go from strategy to strategy, never actually implementing anything. Continue reading

Classified Ads for Real Estate

Let’s get right to the point here!

Classified ads work IF YOU DO THEM CORRECTLY!

There are hundreds of classified ads in any of your publications on a daily basis. Most of them look identical to one another and don’t do anythingto grab the attention of your prospects.

Your only goal in marketing is to get apotentially motivated seller (or buyer) to contact you. Nothing else! (Despite what some say).

Just as in any training that I do on marketing, I will tell you Continue reading

Following A System…

Recently, we had a guest expert on our Interviews with the Expert series. The topic was investing in land. (Here’s the webinar link in case you want to check it out).

During the webinar, I had kind of an “aha” moment and I decided to do a “challenge”.

I was going to take Jack’s system (Note: I had NEVER gone through the materials personally prior to this) and implement it. My goal was to get a parcel of land under contract in 30 days or less.

Here’s What I Did…

I committed to spending 60 minutes/day on the system. Continue reading

Flipping Houses: How to Evaluate Any Deal In 10 Minutes or Less

When you’re flipping houses, it’s critical to be able to evaluate deals quickly and effectively.

One of the most important characteristics of successful real estate investors is their ability to take fast – and massive – action. And the one thing that holds people back in real estate is FEAR of taking the wrong action! In the next step, I’ll cover how to create RISK FREE contracts 100% of the time that actually get accepted, so no worries there… but for now, understand that you have to be able to quickly evaluate deals or else someone else is going to snatch up all the really good deals before you have a fighting chance.

So, for right now, I’m going to cover Continue reading

Real Estate Investing Mistake #1: Farm Area

When I first got started in real estate investing, I was the poster child for mistakes! The one thing I did PROPERLY was that I took action. And success favors the people that take action.

The key is to keep moving and not dwell on each individual real estate investing mistake that you make, especially early on! Just keep on going… and take a few minutes to figure out what the lesson was, add it to your knowledge and experience bank, and move on to the next!

In this article series, I’ve highlighted 17 real estate investing mistakes that I made early on and share with you what you can do to avoid making the same real estate investing mistakes I made…

The first mistake new real estate investors make is always thinking the grass is greener on the other side! That “another” market will have better deals, more motivated sellers, and more qualified buyers. Once your business is established with duplicatable systems in place, it can be easy to expand into additional markets. But in the beginning, stick with your targeted farm area. Continue reading

7 Steps to Getting Started In Real Estate

There are only 7 steps you need to master to be successful in real estate. If you fail to master any single step, you’re building your real estate business on a weak foundation. Wouldn’t you rather build your home on a rock-solid, unbreakable foundation?

Step #1: How To Set Your Business Up And Build Your Team

I defer to Napoleon Hill! If you look at people that have been successful in the past, a common thread is the people they are surrounded with. You need to build your team with the RIGHT people.

Remember, you get what you pay for! (To give you an idea Continue reading