New Years Planning

Last week, a friend of mine posed the question inside my mastermind group:

“What is the one thing you’ll do differently in next year in your business?”

And the answers have been great! People have been reflecting on what’s been working well in their businesses and people have been looking at what they want to change.

The common thread that I saw go through all of the replies back was: systematize and organize. People want to reclaim their time. Sure, the money is obvious… We all want to continue to grow our companies and the bottom line. But that’s not what people are focusing on.

For me in my business, it’s simple. It comes down to three things:

  1. Organize
  2. Simplify; and
  3. Systematize

I have a terrible tendancy to run in 1000 different directions all at the same time. I have a hard time saying no to new projects and I get excited by the new “ideas”. I have 4 completely separate companies and several projects on top of that.

So… how can I grow my real estate business, my training company, my publishing company, and my email service?

It comes down to doing only the things I WANT to do and LIKE to do.

So now I pose this question to you…

“What will you do differently in YOUR business this year?”

Will you FINALLY get started after years of building knowledge?

Will you streamline your processes so you can have more time?

Will you add additional streams of income to your business?

We’re eager to hear what your plans are… and how you’re going to make a difference in your business and life this coming year.

3 thoughts on “New Years Planning

  1. Richard

    I have been in Real estate for a few years now and business have all but stopped. The problem is (CHANGE)I realize now after a few lumps on the head that the old way of doing this business is a thing of the past.

    New technology is sweeping the nation….So as of 1/30/09 I sat the stage for change starting with computer classes to gain some understanding of computer language, Web pg. Blogs, etc. I will learn to buy and sell real estate on the internet wih todays technology, I am reading articles all the time but very impressed with the young lady Heather, and intend to join the blob…..


  2. Brian Dickerson

    Definitely a year for retooling. The old strategies are no longer producing the ROI, so maximizing advertising with the internet and minimizing risk (by eliminating holding inventory) are the plan for this year.


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