Capturing Your Web Visitors

By now you know that you need a website, blog or some sort of web presence, I hope!

But, it’s simply not enough to have a website if you’re not getting visitors and/or not getting visitors to leave their information so that you can follow up with them. So… how do you capture their info?

Nowadays, it’s easier said than done. You see, several years ago, you could pop a page on the web, tell someone they couldn’t go anywhere until they gave you their information and that was it. But now, people are tired of spam and junk mail and don’t want to give out their email address if they don’t “know” what’s on the other side. Not to mention, just about everybody I know has an entirely separate email account for forced opt ins

So… how do you get your visitor to give you their PRIMARY name and email?
You’ve got to give them something SO irresistible or so unique, that they’d be stupid to say no to your offer.

Here are a couple of unique ideas for things you can offer to your niche market:
#1. Informative Audio Recording:
You can visit and get a free phone line on which you can call in and record an entire conference call by yourself or with an expert in the field. After the call, you’ll get a link that you can put on your website for listeners to download. For example, if you’re niche was foreclosures, you could have 5 short segments that talk about 5 different options. You can interview an expert on each. (i.e. A loss mitigation officer, mortgage broker, Realtor, attorney, etc.)

#2. Free Homebuying Process Video/Powerpoint Presentation:

Plug a microphone into your computer and record as you go. Save the presentation and then offer it to visitors as a “Free video” that teaches them how to bet into their dream home, even if they have terrible credit (Lease Option Strategy). This way, you can pre-qualify tenant buyers before you even have the properties lined up!

Here are the 5 things to consider when crafting your Irresistible offer:

  1. Target the item to your SPECIFIC niche
  2. Make it extremely valuable by members of that particular market
  3. Create your own content (or hire a ghost writer). This way, you’re the only one that has the content and they have to trade you their info!
  4. Craft an attention-grabbing headline
  5. Use a request form that requires visitors to enter their name and PRIMARY email address

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