Tag Archives: contact

Local Real Estate Investor Websites: Why You Need One…

Real Estate Investing gurus have been peddling websites since the very beginning ranging anywhere from $30-40/month upwards of several $100 per month with sign up fees ranging from “waived with a one year contract” to “$3000+”.

And here’s the kicker, most of these sites are TERRIBLE.

Most of these real estate websites don’t do anything for the investor whatsoever. (Click Here to watch our recent training video on local real estate website traffic)

I can’t tell you how many people I know have bought these websites, spent thousands on them, and have never received so much as a single lead.

The problem is this… MOST of the people selling these real estate investor websites don’t actually know anything about driving real buyer and seller leads, letalone on a local level, which is (a) more effective, and (b) less expensive.

We’re going to focus on setting up a LOCAL real estate investor website Continue reading

Finding Buyers for Real Estate Deals

REO investing is moving faster than a speeding bullet!

Over the last few years, many areas throughout the country were flooded with foreclosures that sat on the market for 1, 2, even 3 years; finally forcing the banks to complete the foreclosure process and take the properties back…hence making them REOs.

If you haven’t yet added REOs to your investing business, you are really missing out on a huge goldmine that is just starting to gain momentum.

In order to be successful, however, it’s critical to begin finding buyers for a successful REO business.

Here are 5 fast ways you can find buyers to build your REO Buyer’s list. Continue reading

5 Ways to Use Realtors for Your REO Investing Business

REO properties are proving to be the true deals in our current market. Why? The banks have already gone through the expensive foreclosure process and are simply looking to get rid of the property; which can be a very good thing for you.

One of the very best resources you can have to help you grow your REO investing business is an experienced REO Realtor. Below are 5 ways you can utilize REO Realtors to help not only grow your REO investing business, but also do a lot of the work for you Continue reading

Realtor Screening

We have helped dozens of people all over the country save money and find solid deals through Realtors. We’ll personally screen each agent and speak with him/her on your behalf and help follow any deal through to closing.

Here’s What You Need to Do:

  1. Download this form (Right click, Save as)
  2. Fill out the form completely. (If there is any additional information that can help us, please provide that on a separate sheet of paper. The more specific and detailed you are, the better we will be able to match you to the right agents).
  3. Fax it to (305) 675-4664. No fax cover is necessary. Please provide your name on each sheet that you are faxing in, however.

Once we’ve received the form, you’ll receive a follow up phone call to go over any details we may need and begin contacting agents on your behalf.

Are You Emotionally Ready For Financial Freedom?

This may sound like a funny title for an article, but think about it for a moment! How many people have you met that are just as broke at $90,000 as they were at $20,000?

You see, we tend to always try to “keep up with the Jones'” and buy the latest and greatest gadget or trinket. So, even though we live in a nicer home and drive a nicer car, at the end of the month, we’re left with little more than a few dollars at the end of the month – if we’re lucky! So what does all this mean?

It simply means that in order for you to achieve true financial freedom Continue reading

Finding the Right People

I just spent the last week with my “mastermind” team, or my network of people that help me grow our business. And while I was there, I lot of questions came up about referrals, partners, etc. Now, this wasn’t a “real estate” group per se, but we definitely share our resources.

On the plane home, I got to thinking about networking in real estate. There aren’t as many mastermind groups out there. Plus, the cost to enter can be out of reach for many (this one cost me $16,000). So, I thought that since we’re just getting going into 2008, now would be a great time to evaluate our businesses and who’s on our team. So, I decided to post this article..

Here’s a short list of people that you need in your real estate business:

… Accountants
… Attorneys
… Private Lenders
… Rehab Lenders Continue reading

Pay Per Click: Google Adwords

My top 2 questions used to be:

  1. How do you find motivated sellers?
  2. How do you get started with no money or credit?

    Now… my single biggest question – hands down – is “How do I find buyers?” Whether you’re looking for wholesale buyers for your quick flips or you’re looking for retail buyers (or renters) for your existing properties.

    My partner, Brandon, is working on a comprehensive book with all the tactics and strategies we use to find buyers (we were actually out today with 2: one for a million dollar property and another for a $300,000 property) And they were “end” buyers.

    So, how do you go about finding these people? We do all sorts of things like: Craigslist, Bandit signs, MLS, open houses, etc. However, there is one tactic that very few people know about, let alone talk about. And that is individual property websites. Continue reading

    Why Bankruptcy?

    by Mark Klee & Caryn McKinney

    Answer #1: Niche Marketing = Less Competition and Greater Profits. As a real estate investor, perhaps you’ve figured out how easy it is to be unfocused in the real estate investment business. That being the case, my partner, Mark Klee, and I want to help you understand the incredible profits available to you by doing business in a NICHE market – particularly one that MOST investors are afraid to go after – bankruptcies. It’s not brain surgery to realize that any market with less competition will also offer you greater opportunities for amazing profits!

    You should also realize that if you’re NOT in a niche market, you’re fighting all the other investors for the same FSBOs, MLS listings, and wholesale deals from whatever resources you have. So why not at least check out this bankruptcy niche that most investors are, indeed, afraid to tackle?

    Answer #2: Market conditions are ideal Check out the following basic facts on our current market conditions and you’ll start to see how ideally the stage is set to work with quality bankruptcy leads.

    • In many areas of the country, investors are finding greater competition for fewer deals.
      Continue reading

    Foreclosure Help – Are Lenders Stepping Up?

    The real estate industry, or more appropriately, the mortgage industry is facing daily changes. As you probably know by now if you’ve read the newspaper or watched television in the last three months, the sub-prime mortgage market has made some huge changes… Second mortgages are quickly going by the wayside in exchange for loans with mortgage insurance, which is now tax deductible*.

    If you do the math, even with PMI, loans often end up costing the borrower less than the hybrid loans of recent years.

    But… the changes affect the new loans, not the existing mortgages with which sellers are facing foreclosure in record numbers. And this is the major reason the real estate market has flat-lined, depreciated, or ____________ (fill in the blank with your market). Let’s face it… homeowners got bad loans and the mortgage industry was getting wealthy. So, let’s not feel too bad for the lenders :-). They not only did it to themselves, but to homeowners and investors. Have you ever heard the saying, “Pigs get fat… hogs get slaughtered… Continue reading