Tag Archives: business contracts gone bad stories

Partnerships: Beware!

I can remember back years ago when I was getting started in real estate with my first business partner and long time friend. We heard the warnings. We read all the horror stories of partnerships gone bad. And then… we decided that we were different and our situation was “different”!

You see, we’d been friends for years before, had started several different businesses together and had lived and worked closely for the past 5 years. So all those bad things that happen to other partnerships surely wouldn’t happen to us.

Plus, we were going to make sure we did things right! We were going to set up a business entity. After going back and forth from attorney to CPA; LLC to S corp, we eventually settled on the S Corp. It was cheaper and since we couldn’t find any conclusive reason not to, we dove in and were now 50/50 partners in our own business.

A few years later after our adventure began, we found ourselves in litigation and in an ugly battle! So, why did things take such a turn for the worse?
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